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Welcome to New Hope! We are the Baptist Church set on the hill in the heart of Coseley. Our time of Worship is contemporary and vibrant, centred on the word through the sermon of the day. All are very welcome here from babies, [where parents and guardians have access to a 'live' room should they need space] to a mature age. The heart of this church is always about 'loving one another through obedience to God's word , following Christ and growing together as christians. Our aim is to serve God through His church. We have weekly groups and activities including a comprehensive bible study. Take a look on our 'Whats On' page for more details. Our Sunday service is at 10:30am, come and join us or if you have any questions, please get in touch.
Pastors Thoughts
There are no men of God, only a God of men
Scripture of the week
you love Him because He first loved you.'
1 John 4:19
Quote of the week
Charles Stanley
"Basically, there are two paths you can walk: faith or fear. It's impossible to simultaneously trust God and not trust God."