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Church Life
Here are some of our groups that go on in the week. There are various different activities going on and suit all ages. From Bible Studies to Prayer Meetings, to music group for the youngsters, toddler group for the little ones and Sunday school.
Please note that programmes are currently very changeable in availability due to COVID restrictions

'Little stars'
'Little Stars' is a play & stay for parents and toddlers. There is a £1 entry fee per child which includes an hours play, snacks and drinks for babies/toddlers & drinks for the adults. There's also sing a long nursery rhymes to finish.

Jammin' music group
The youngsters have a great opportunity to learn how to play instruments, read music and how to put a song together. At New Hope, we encourage the youth to get involved in whatever they are passionate about.

Sunday school
There are two groups for Sunday School, younger and older children and there's teaching specifically for each age group. The children also do activities such as crafts, painting, decorating cakes, working in teams to design or prepare for an easter or christmas service/nativity.
Bible study
This is a vital part of our Christian walk, to read the Word of God. As a group, we come together and study the bible in more depth. There are opportunities to ask questions, discuss different topics and have a deeper understanding of how to live as a christian.

Prayer Meetings
As Christians, it's so important to pray. Just like breathing, we can't live without it. When two or more are gathered God answers our prayers and things change when we seek him.